The Need to Destroy Democracy in order to Save It

There was a famous saying during the Vietnam War that you had to destroy a village in order to save it, now it seems this policy is being resurrected by the Democratic Party and the Biden administration where we have to destroy democracy in order to save it.

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Democrats and Media lied about President Biden

Leading up to the presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump any mention of the presidents cognitive decline was met with sever skepticism and labeled as conspiracy reporting or “cheap fake by the White House, that changed on June 27th.

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Newsom and Harris Would Be a Disaster for America

After the unmitigated disaster by President Joe Biden’s during his debate performance against former President Donald Trump sending the Democratic Party into panic, who are contemplating finding a way to replace Biden with either Vice President Kamala Harris or California Governor Gavin Newsom.

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The Media and Pundits Pushed False Stories; Which Proved Wrong!

One of the hallmarks of a functioning Democracy is a free and independent media free from government interference or control, but recently the media and political pundits have engaged in advocacy journalism devoid of facts on numerous issues which have national implications.

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Brown vs. Board of Education: 70 Years Later

With all the attention placed on the 2024 presidential election, a consequential and pivotal historical landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision passed without much fanfare; the landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954, which ended racial segregation.

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If Biden doesn’t ace the first debate, will he be replaced at the convention?

In our age of hyperpartisan politics, it’s easy to forget that the president of the United States is also the commander in chief of our armed forces. The media forgets it; the politicians forget it; the academics forget it; and the American people forget it.

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