If you listened to the president’s weekly radio address on Saturday and the GOP response by Republican House John Boehner, it’s no wonder the America’s economy is still mired in economic stagnation.
Both the president and House Speaker speak rhetorically of helping the middle class but neither offers any practical solutions to jump starting the stagnate U.S. economy, beyond partisan economic fixes. Neither proposal offered would do anything to move the economy forward, beyond toying around the edges of the economy.
The president retreats into campaign mode in which he is so famous for and advocates raising the minimum wage as a way to help the middle class; that would only help a few, nothing to help the broader middle class.
Republicans offer the same message of eliminating Obamacare and replacing it with something else, but offer nothing except more of the same polices.
It is also ironic the Republican party has always advocated comprehensive tax reform, but when Republican House Committee Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp released his proposal for tax reform in February it was dismissed out right by the Republican leadership.
On releasing his plan to overhaul the nation’s tax code, Cap stated, “It is no secret that Americans are struggling. Far too many families haven’t seen a pay raise in years. Many have lost hope and stopped looking for a job. And too many kids coming out of college are buried under a mountain of debt and have few prospects for a good-paying career. We’ve already lost a decade, and before we lose a generation, Washington needs to wake up to this reality and start offering concrete solutions and debating real policies that strengthen the economy and help hardworking taxpayers. Tax reform is one way we can do that.”
In his State of the Union address in January, President Obama consistently retreats to his campaign rhetoric of income inequality and how the wealthy need to do more.
“Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead. And too many still aren’t working at all.”
The president speaks as he just landed from another planet, when in fact he has been president for well over five years now. He owns this economy!
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, was quoted as saying that the Federal Reserve was doing everything in its power to spur economic growth, and as she continued, “The Fed provides this help by influencing interest rates. Although we work through financial markets, our goal is to help Main Street, not Wall Street.”
Is she kidding? The Federal Reserve has pumped over $4 trillion dollars into the economy in its bond buying program, in its efforts to keep interests rates low. This has helped Wall Street but has kept Main Street stagnated.
The policies of the president and Washington have kept the economy from growing and all we are left with is a $17 trillion dollar debt, with $7 trillion added to the national debt since President Obama took office in 2009.
It’s time to try something different.
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