Security blanket the United States is for the world

Security blanket the United States is for the world

By Azadeh Ansari, CNN–

The civil war in Syria, the Palestinians and the nuclear agreement with Iran will be on the agenda when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls US President Donald Trump on Sunday, Netanyahu told his weekly Cabinet meeting.

The Prime Minister said that a top concern for Israel was the nuclear threat still posed by Iran under the terms of the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement.
“The supreme goal of the state of Israel continues to be stopping the Iranian threat and stopping the threat from the bad nuclear deal signed with Iran,” he said.
Netanyahu has been a fierce opponent of the nuclear pact, called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, negotiated between Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers — the United States, the UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany.
Under the deal, Iran must reduce its uranium stockpile by roughly 98%, phase out its centrifuges over the next 15 years, limit research activities, allow heightened inspections and ship spent fuel outside of the country.
In return, many of the international sanctions imposed on Iran were lifted.
Trump has repeatedly denounced the nuclear deal calling it “incompetently negotiated” and pledged to renegotiate its terms.
Diplomatic ties between the US and Iran had only begun to thaw in the final years of the Obama administration, but the agreement’s future has been placed in doubt since Trump’s electoral victory.
Netanyahu and Trump were scheduled to speak Sunday evening.