By John Ubaldi, “Ubaldi Reports”

The media and political pundits have concentrated all their efforts on covering the Republicans dismissing Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House of Representatives, but failed to cover the ongoing immigration crisis which is impacting America.

The crisis with immigration is one that could have been avoided but unfortunately when Joe Biden assumed the presidency he fulfilled a cherished campaign promise to undo every immigration measure put in place by the Trump administration, one that produced the lowest illegal crossings in decades.

Democrats in blue states and cities for years have been enticing illegal migration to America with the offer of generous benefits and making it almost a crime for state and local law enforcement to coordinate with federal immigrations officials on border security. These same Democratic states and cities also prevent law enforcement from turning over illegal immigrants who have committed crimes to federal immigration officials.

To be fair both parties have failed to deliver comprehensive immigration reform, but in recent years the problem has gotten substantially worse. Democrats especially the progressive element of the Democratic Party have advocated an open-border policy by allowing anyone who wanted to enter the U.S. to enter without fear of being returned to ones country of origin.

All Democrats running for president in 2020 advocated that all who come to the U.S. can stay and this message was sent loud and clear to those south of the border, if you can get to America you can remain!

During the Trump presidency the Democrats were adamant against any border enforcement, and fought with a victor preventing the previous administration from enforcing or enacting any additional border restrictions.  During the Trump administration states and cities across the country trying to outdo each other on who could be the most pro-immigrant by welcoming all illegal immigrants into their communities thus declaring themselves a sanctuary bastion.

All these sanctuary states and cities enticed illegals from across the globe with all sorts of benefits once they arrived in their communities. An example, a hospital in Arizona in the first half of 2022 paid out $20 million in healthcare to illegal migrants, but charge Americans for the same service that illegals get for free.

All of these Democrat cities and states have a “shelter in place” policy that any illegal that comes into their community will be afforded shelter all at taxpayer expense.

Even in the first Democratic debate in June of 2019, all the Democrat candidates running for president raised their hands in the affirmative when the moderator asked them will their health care plan cover illegal immigrants.

Then candidate Joe Biden when questioned by reporter Jorge Ramos stated, “I would in fact make sure that there is, that we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard,” Biden said. “That’s who we are. We’re a nation that says, ‘If you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come.’”

Ironically back in October 2021, New York City Mayor Adams Tweeted that “We should protect our immigrants, and yes, New York City will remain a sanctuary city policy under an Adams administration.”

Every Democrat in every Democratic State and city vehemently and unequivocally supported sanctuary city and state policy by refusing to work with federal immigration officials on any matter no matter what it was to include criminal misconduct.

Once Joe Biden assumed the presidency he removed all border enforcements that had the created the lowest incursions of illegals crossing the U.S. southern border in decades.  Even before Biden was inaugurated the signal by Democrats was a “dog whistle” for you to come to America, once inside the country you will be allowed to stay.

This has now changed as border state governors began sending illegal migrants into these sanctuary cities of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles as they were bearing the brunt of over six million illegals from all over the world pouring into their states.

Now that sanctuary cities and states are now becoming border communities and having to spend billions in precious resources coupled with the intense backlash from voters who reject revenue going to take care of illegal immigrants over their own Americans.

Now the political leaders these blue cities are now feeling the ramifications of their own policies as their own constituents enraged as illegal migrants fill up shelters. Now Mayor Eric Adams is heading to Mexico to tell migrants New York City has no vacancies, and he will repeat this same theme when he heads to Colombia and Ecuador

The progressive mayor of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson stated he’ll visit Texas’ southern border soon to see the migrant issue firsthand, far cry from when he declared his unequivocal support of sanctuary city policies.

Even the Biden administration is reversing a long held policy by building a small 22 mile border wall; remember they were adamant that they would remove any vestige of a wall established by the Trump administration.

What’s missing from Democratic leaders and especially the Biden administration is that they don’t want to discuss any mention of the asylum law, which currently makes it a prize as illegal immigrants know that all that have to do is get to America in order to gain temporary legal status in the U.S. and remain in the country for years without a hearing.

Basically right now you can claim asylum for anything, to include being from a poor country. Previously asylum laws was a type of protection granted to migrants fleeing persecution or other harm in their home countries, has been a central component of U.S. immigration law for decades.

Even before Biden took office hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants were massing on the U.S. southern border and once inaugurated six million have poured across with about 2 million in got a ways that were not apprehended or turned themselves into immigration officials.

Border officials apprehended over 150 individuals on the U.S. terror watch list; this was more than the last six years combined. So where is the border czar in Vice President Kamala Harris?

This immigration crisis in one of America’s own making, and now is a major problem for Democrats and President Joe Biden, the policy you enacted is now being felt by these citizens living in Blue states and cities, so remember be careful what you wish for you may just get; well they did!

As always elections have consequences!