
The question which needs to be asked…is the U.S. federal government out of control? For the past few days IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has faced a barrage of questioning regarding the ongoing IRS scandal.

Now many want to turn this scandal into a partisan issue, notably the administration and Democrats, but Republicans also want to use this scandal to score political points.

With this in mind, we still do not have answers to what really happened at the IRS in its targeting of conservative groups.

The person at the center of the controversy, Lois Lerner, has invoked her constitutional right against self-incrimination, but we have now learned that Lerner’s computer hard drive crashed back in 2011.

The IRS knew back in February of this year that her hard drive had crashed, but failed to tell Congress until this month.  The period in question is crucial as this is the time frame when the targeting of conservatives began.

We have been told by the President and his administration that it was rouge agents in the Cincinnati office, but we have learned since that the IRS in Washington knew about the targeting.

What we do not know is who else knew about the targeting of conservative groups, and did anyone in Congress, the White House, the administration or the president’s  campaign staff know of this practice at the IRS?

President Obama stated back in 2013, when this first came to light, that “It’s inexcusable, and Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the IRS, given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives. … I’ll do everything in my power to make sure nothing like this happens again by holding the responsible parties accountable. …”

On CNN Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were being interviewed as it pertains to the 40th anniversary of the Watergate Scandal, which forced President Nixon to resign.

Article two of the impeachment count against Nixon was his attempt to use the IRS to go after his political opponents.

Both Woodard and Bernstein commented;

WOODWARD: I mean take Benghazi, a highly politicized issue. And I’ve looked at all those e-mails that were released. It takes a day to make sense of them. And if you dig into it, there are unanswered questions. . .

And Carl’s exactly right, you put 10 people on that and you say, go to work. You don’t have to give me the answers tomorrow or the next day, but take your time. The same on the IRS scandal. That is a real issue. Some people should move to Cincinnati and get hotel rooms and say, we’re going to talk to everyone who worked in that division of the IRS.

BERNSTEIN: Also, as happened in Watergate, let some Democrats get up and say, we want a real bipartisan investigation of what happened in Cincinnati, in the IRS. Get it out in the hands of the Republican grandstanders who are trying to make political points instead of conduct a serious investigation, and put together and start to get some facts as happened in Watergate.

The time has come for special prosecutor, because if the IRS can be used in such a blatant purpose of going after ones political opponents, then where does it stop.

The very fact that Koskinen did not even remember or knew who told him of the lost email’s regarding the central figure in this entire saga is scandalous at best.

If any American stated the same thing regarding documents the IRS was seeking, do you believe you could get away with the response Koskinen offered? Most assuredly not!

Democrats need to be outraged over this, as they must remember…at some point a Republican will be president, and you have now set a dangerous precedent.

Republicans need to end their grand standing to try and score political points, and have the Justice Department appoint a special prosecutor to take the lead. If they will not, then at the very least they need to appoint a select committee with subpoena power to investigate the IRS.

This select committee has one function only, to investigate the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups and individuals. The last thing we need is political grand standing; we need someone to ask legitimate questions.

The country deserves better then what we are getting from the President, Republicans and Democrats!