
Since announcing his presidential campaign a month ago, Donald Trump has totally upended the Republican field and gained the lion share of the media attention, all at the expense of other more established candidates.

The question which has not been asked, what does Donald Trump stand for?

He is brash, outspoken and makes controversial statements; especially as it relates to immigration and other Republican candidates. Trump as part of his bravado has also attacked the Republican establishment, which included making controversial comments against Senator John McCain and his war status in Vietnam.

Trump has struck a vein with many Americans liking his brash statements, as they are disgusted with the way Washington operates and which it only seems to care about the interests of the power elites, at their expense.

The media seems to love the circus surrounding his candidacy, but they should be asking what does Donald Trump stand for?

As I have written about other candidates running for president and that includes both Republicans and Democrats, is how they will solve America’s most pressing issues.

The theatrics of his campaign makes for great television drama, but does it get to the real issue, of how Trump will tackle the myriad of issues confronting America.

It’s time to challenge both Republican and Democratic aspirant for the White House in 2016, with a simple question; how would you solve America’s economic stagnation? What is your foreign policy vision for America beyond the rhetorical campaign slogans?

Again, as I have written before about other candidates for president, how will Trump address income inequality in America? How will he reduce the over $18 trillion dollar national debt? How will he re-invigorate small businesses in America? As the Brookings Institute reported last year and other prominent think tanks have highlighted the sharp decline in entrepreneurial start-ups in this country.

How will Trump deal with the continued implantation of Obamacare? Is he for repel, or is he for changing it, what is his plan? No one knows!
Trump has spoken out on Immigration, but what is his real plan for dealing with immigration? Do we even know?

How will Trump deal with ISIS? What is his strategy for the Middle East? How will Trump deal with Iran and the nuclear negotiations that just concluded with an agreement, how will he deal with this issue once he is president?

What is Trump’s strategy for dealing with Russia, or China who is now actively asserting themselves in the South China Sea?

These are just a handle full of issues the next president will have to deal with, but instead we are forced to listen and watch the media fawn over every brash statements he utters.

I have nothing against a Trump candidacy; I just want for once the media and the America people look past rhetoric and start asking tough questions of both Republicans and Democrats who want to be president.

The country deserves better.