
Dennis Wagner, The New Republic
PHOENIX — The top financial officer at Phoenix’s VA medical center says she’s been subjected to sexual allegations, racial smears, bogus investigations and her office searched as part of a two-year harassment campaign by rival administrators.

In an Arizona Republic interview, sworn testimony and whistle-blower complaints to several federal agencies, Chief Financial Officer Tonja Laney characterized the Veterans Health Administration as an ethically bankrupt organization roiling with corruption and internecine conflicts.

Testifying under oath during an administrative probe last June, Laney ripped the culture and leadership in Arizona’s VA health-care system, saying the stress at one point led her to attempt suicide.

“Phoenix is the most dysfunctional place I have ever been in my life,” she said, referring to the veterans medical center. “It is very toxic. … It’s an environment of harassment. It is an environment of lack of accountability.

“If you report things that occur, you know you run the risk of being retaliated against … You do whatever it takes in those circumstances to survive. And that’s Phoenix.”

Laney last month filed a federal lawsuit against a criminal investigator and six leaders at the Phoenix VA medical center, most of whom have retired or transferred. The civil complaint, which also alleges her office was unlawfully searched, does not name the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The conflicts and controversies Laney describes are symptomatic of a dysfunctional U.S. government bureaucracy with 340,000 employees. Records obtained by The Republic show VA administrators in Arizona were preoccupied with accusing and investigating one another over the past few years while veterans awaited care — and sometimes died — in a system of backlogged appointments and phony wait-time data.

Taken as a whole, the records raise questions about the VA’s ability to hold employees accountable or protect whistler-blowers. They also suggest that internal investigations may suffer from bias, incompetence and predetermined results.

Secretary Robert McDonald recently acknowledged the VA’s failings, telling a Congressional hearing that the department cannot hire enough doctors because it is perceived as “a terrible place to work” where employees are “prisoners of a system they cannot change.”

“The first step is to ask every employee to recommit themselves to our mission and our values,” McDonald told The Republic during a visit to Phoenix in March. “What we’re doing is changing a system, and we’re telling them we want their help to do that. … It’s a leadership exercise and employee empowerment.”

But critics say personal conflicts are entrenched.

Roger French, an employee-relations consultant who has worked with most of the key whistle-blowers in Arizona, said backbiting and infighting extend from VA headquarters to hospitals nationwide.

French, a former human resources director with the VA, said employees who expose mismanagement or wrongdoing frequently are subjected to phony charges and slanted investigations and are also emotionally punished so others get the message.

Joe Newman, communications director with Project on Government Oversight, said VA whistle-blower complaints to his non-profit watchdog organization reflect a “toxic culture,” — one of disrespect and conflict that can sabotage the mission of care for veterans.

“None of this stuff happens in a vacuum,” Newman added.

Glen Grippen, a 40-year VA employee who came out of retirement to help the Phoenix VA Health Care System get back on track, declined to speak about Laney because of privacy constraints. But he acknowledged encountering a minefield of VA personnel problems after being assigned last year to oversee medical services for Arizona veterans.

“Before I came to Phoenix, I knew there were access issues” for patients, Grippen said. “But I didn’t realize there were all these people issues. … I certainly have never seen this number of employee concerns at any other place I’ve worked.”

Sharon Helman, medical center director, reacts to allegations during an interview at the Phoenix VA Medical Center in Phoenix on April 22, 2014. Helman, who was fired from her job as head of the VA health center, is suing to get her job back.

Laney, a disabled veteran who served in the Air Force before medical issues forced her retirement, has worked for the VA for seven years.
In records and interviews, Laney said she suffers from service-connected depression, migraines and panic attacks.

In early 2012, Laney transferred to Arizona from the VA in Amarillo, Texas. The job was identical, but the culture was starkly different.

Some of the most powerful and influential Phoenix VA leaders were accusing one another of misappropriations, privacy violations, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and other misconduct.

Within six months of Laney’s arrival, she became tangled in the web of conflicts: An anonymous letter to then-Phoenix VA Health Care System Director Sharon Helman, with no corroborating evidence, accused Laney, who is white, of sexism and predation toward African-American men.

Records show Associate Director Lance Robinson ordered a “fact-finding,” the lowest level of VA inquiry, by Human Resources Director Maria Schloendorn.

None of the accusations was verified. But the issue didn’t die.

In a diary provided to The Republic, Laney wrote that, beginning in May 2012, Brad Curry, chief of Health Administration Services, began spreading “rumors I was having sex in my office with (two colleagues).” A year later, she wrote that ” Mr. Curry had referred to me as a mudshark, which he defined as a term used in the South for women who sleep with black men, because I have biracial children …”

Laney’s journal entry was corroborated under oath by Robinson during an Equal Employment Opportunity investigation. According to the record, he testified that Curry admitted making the derogatory statements, received a written admonition, was told to apologize, and had to take a leadership course.

Curry could not be reached for comment. He, Robinson and Helman were placed on paid suspension in 2014 amid a patient-care scandal. Helman was later fired.

In late 2012, records show, Laney attempted suicide — a drug overdose — and was hospitalized for a week. She said she remains in therapy, but openly revealed the incident because of its relevance to her case.

In May 2013, a female colleague told Laney that Curry had again raised the issue of sexual threesomes. Laney filed a harassment complaint, which prompted another fact-finding by Schloendorn.

Investigative reports say the supposed sexual partners vehemently denied all accusations. Black employees, who purportedly were victims of predation, said Laney never acted inappropriately.

Schloendorn, who retired last year amid the VA controversy, could not be reached for comment. According to VA records, all documentation of her fact-finding efforts vanished along with disciplinary actions against Curry.

For this story, The Republic relied on sworn testimony, interviews, investigative records and other VA documents provided by sources.

Months later, an anonymous letter was sent to then-VA Secretary Eric Shinseki. It restated the sexual allegations and said hospital administrators in Phoenix were covering up a scandal.

This time, an administrative investigation board, or AIB, was convened. Fifteen people were interviewed under oath before the probe ended a year later, in August 2014. Once again, accusations against Laney were unsubstantiated. Records show at least five VA employees were found culpable for spreading slander. Recommendations included discipline for some and possible termination of one employee who allegedly lied to investigators.

To date, no one has been disciplined.

Meanwhile, another internal battle was already seething at Carl T. Hayden Medical Center on Indian School Road.

During 2011, employees had filed numerous complaints for Equal Employment Opportunity violations, retaliation, privacy breeches and other offenses.

Paula Pedene, the hospital’s longtime public affairs officer, testified in an administrative investigation against PVAHCS Director Gabriel Perez, who was accused of personal misconduct and $11.4 million in improper spending. Perez retired, but not before Pedene’s budget and staffing were cut. In December 2011, she filed an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint for discrimination and retaliation.

A month later, records show, Pedene mistakenly emailed a document to non-VA public-relations professionals. It contained confidential information on about 70,000 veterans. Pedene reported the incident herself and cooperated with efforts to deal with it.

Helman arrived to replace Perez a few weeks later, inheriting the security breach. Robinson became associate director.

One of their first major challenges was figuring out how to deal with Pedene, a legally blind U.S. Navy veteran who was the face of Phoenix’s VA hospital, and an award-winning PR professional.

Security officials at VA headquarters decided Pedene’s email was an inadvertent policy violation that did not merit discipline — rather than a major breach that would require public disclosure and notifications. The new Phoenix bosses disagreed. According to investigative records, Robinson argued the incident jeopardized the personal security for thousands of veterans and should not be covered up to avert a public-relations disaster.

Pedene received no discipline at the time. But internal disputes escalated in November 2012 after the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade, which was coordinated by Pedene and sponsored by the VA hospital.

Pedene’s husband, Bill, was seen at the medical center uploading parade photographs onto the official Phoenix VA website. Pedene told investigators she believed the computer intrusion was allowed because she monitored the work, which she could not perform due to her visual impairment.
Once again, officials at headquarters ruled the conduct did not merit discipline. Once again, Phoenix VA leaders disagreed. Further inquiry showed Pedene also had allowed unauthorized volunteers to access VA social media sites, and posted a photograph of a patient on Facebook without obtaining a signed privacy waiver.

On Dec. 10, 2012, Pedene was removed from her public affairs job and demoted to a clerical position in the VA’s library.

About that time, Tonja Laney entered the fray.

As Phoenix’s new CFO, she was told by Helman to audit Pedene’s spending on the Veterans Day parade.

Laney concluded there had been inappropriate spending. She accused Pedene of “gross misappropriations” totaling more than $60,000 dollars over a five-year period.

Pedene disputes the allegations. She says the purchases were made to promote VA’s mission, and were authorized by prior administrators. She contends administrators set out to use alleged security breaches and misspending as pretexts for dismissal.

“They were coming after me with not one gun, but two,” Pedene said. “Nothing they did was in line with VA policies.”

Joe Newman, communications director with Project on Government Oversight, said whistleblower complaints received by his non-profit watchdog organization reflected a “toxic culture” in the VA — one of disrespect and conflict that can sabotage the mission of care for veterans.

A criminal inquiry was launched by the VA Inspector General, but investigators determined no crimes had occurred. In a letter to the OIG, Helman objected. She said “a diligent vetting of criminal activity has not been performed.” She claimed there was reason to believe Pedene had used “federal money for personal gain,” although no evidence was listed in records.

Helman then convened an administrative investigation board to review the same allegations. In July 2013, records show, three AIB panelists concluded that Pedene had repeatedly violated computer security and veterans’ privacy rights, as well as VA spending regulations.
“(She) fails to accept the fact that she did anything wrong,” investigators wrote in their report. “Quite simply, it is baffling that an individual serving in the role of public affairs officer, who speaks for the facility and is keenly aware of current issues such as privacy and information security, would place herself in the position she has.”

The investigators recommended disciplinary action “up to and including removal.”

Records show Helman and Robinson sought to fire Pedene in August 2013, but were overruled by VA headquarters.

Pedene, meanwhile, was pressing whistle-blower and EEO complaints. She insisted that the budget cuts, audits and reassignment were retaliatory.

Attorneys at the VA Office of Special Counsel decided Pedene had violated security and procurement policies, but downplayed the degree of wrongdoing. They argued that most of her alleged misconduct stemmed from parade activities that were intended to promote the VA and had been supported by prior bosses in Phoenix. Records show the lawyers, and VA administrators in Washington, D.C., decided Pedene should get a “demotion or suspension, but not removal.”

Even that action was stopped, however, at the request of the Office of Special Counsel, a non-VA agency that was investigating Pedene’s whistle-blower complaint.

Two months later, according to internal emails, a contractor at VA headquarters dialed a Human Resources official in Arizona with a backdoor message: Leaders in the nation’s capital wanted Phoenix administrators to rescind their findings against Pedene and hold her accountable for just one violation, with unspecified discipline.

Robinson fumed in a December 2013 email to Helman and VA’s regional counsel, saying the shadow directives were improper. “In over 26 years as a manager and VA executive, at no time have I been given instructions in this manner,” he wrote, according to records obtained by The Republic. “… As I understand it, I am now being ordered to drop charges of government misappropriation of funds from Ms. Pedene’s proposed disciplinary action” without legal justification. “I have serious ethical concerns about these type of instructions even being issued, let alone following them.”

In the end, Pedene received no demotion or other discipline. She remained isolated in the library for 22 months amid the politics and investigations. But the fight was far from over, and it would become further entangled with Laney’s ordeal