By John Ubaldi, “Ubaldi Reports”

Since President Biden was sworn in as the nation’s 46th President he has instituted programs to fix the glaring inequality in the American economic system, but as he moves forward is this the real problem or is it decades of failed Democratic polices.

For the past few years, Democrats especially progressives have adopted the mantra that America is systematically a racist country, but is it? Without an independent media, which should be unbiased by asking tough and probing questions of President Biden and other national or state Democratic leader on policies that they have enacted.

The American people are largely unaware that Democratic leaders nationally and in their respective states have contributed to the economic misery American’s face.

Far too often Democrats champion the plight of people of color especially blacks and Hispanic American’s, but if you look at the policies instituted by the Democratic Party for decades have only led to the continuation of these communities to be mired in the abyss of poverty without any hope of obtaining a better future for themselves and their families.

The media champions itself as the watchdog against government, but in its journalistic malpractice have failed to examine decades of Democratic policies which have had a major detrimental impact on low income and the black/Hispanics communities.

Throughout the summer of 2020, the nation faced major rioting in many of the nation’s largest cities over social justice which began after the death of George Floyd’s by a Minneapolis police officer. Since that horrific death, cities across America went up in flames with protesters advocating for social justice.

If the media did even a basic cursory look, they would have found that all these cities   have been governed by progressive Democrat politicians for decades.  Some of the cities where riots happened such as Atlanta haven’t had a different party govern the city since 1879.

Even last summer’s Democratic National Convention was held in Milwaukee, which had its last Republican Mayor in 1906. In 2021, the city of Milwaukee is a fiscal mess, and in economic disarray, with extreme poverty for many of its citizens especially those in the minority communities.

Much has been spoken about the America’s third largest city Chicago, the home of President Barack Obama which suffers from an immense budget crisis, economic decline, and facing a serious crime problem. The weekly crime report highlights the killing statistics which reads worse than the worsts days of the Iraq war. There has been no mention that Chicago has been controlled by the Democratic Party since 1931 when the last Republican ran that city.

Take the Democratic dominate state of California, which is the most progressive in America, a solid one-party rule by Democrats that control every aspect of governance, from the governor to every statewide office, a super majority in the legislature and most of its 53 congressional representatives are represented by Democrats.

With this entire state controlled by Democrats, its leaders consistently tout California’s extraordinary wealth, with President Biden tapping many of its political leaders to positions in his administrations. It seems Biden wants to “make America California again,” and he will have plenty of help. Californians will run Health and Human Services, the Treasury, Homeland Security, and Energy. Former California senator Kamala Harris is vice president, and San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi rules the House of Representatives.

Progressive economist such as Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca want to embrace the “California’s distinctive approach to market capitalism,” and duplicate this for America.

Unfortunately, California has the highest poverty rate of any state, and the widest income inequality gap in the country, as for its governance it was just reported that the State’s Employment Development Department issued out $31 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims instead of helping those in need. The failure of this department has been known for years and nothing has been done, and there are other glaring examples of incompetence.

Just examine the California’s dysfunctional educational system which disproportionally falls on the backs of the black and Hispanic communities.

Everyone knows that the surest way out of poverty is with a solid education, Dan Walters of CalMatters wrote that, “The income gap, moreover, mirrors what educators call the “achievement gap” among the state’s nearly 6 million K-12 students, with poor and English-learner students — Latino and black children, particularly — perpetually falling behind more affluent white and Asian kids.”

As much as Democrats and the media decry systematic racism, why haven’t Democratic politicians been asked why 70% of black and Hispanic children in California cannot do English or math to grade level after billions have been spent on public education.

Why has California’s Governor Gavin Newsom never been asked why he sends his children to a private school for in person learning, then denies the states six million school children a chance to attend class, instead have to learn by zoom at home because of coronavirus restrictions.

With this dismal academic achievement by black and Hispanic children you would think California would be fiscally frugal with taxpayer money. Unfortunately this is not the case as the nonpartisan organization OpenTheBooks, whose stated goal is for the American taxpayer to have full knowledge of how government spends their money.  This organization examines all spending by government at the local, state and federal level listing extreme egregious spending.

As black and Hispanic children are forced to attend deplorable schools, in California, over 341,000 state and local government employees earn more than $100,000 in salary and pension benefits costing the state $45 billion annually. The state is currently facing $1 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities that will come due in the future.

One only needs to examine Los Angeles and it high homeless population and the egregious spending by the cities government, according to auditors at OpentheBooks, 20,000 city employees across all departments make over $150,000.

The very progressive city of San Francisco, which is the home of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a pathetic academic achievement for black and Hispanic children as only 21% can do English or math to grade level.

Auditors at found truck drivers in San Francisco making $159,000 per year; lifeguards in LA County costing taxpayers $365,000; nurses at UCSF making up to $501,000; the UCLA athletic director earning $1.8 million; and 1,420 city employees out earning all 50 state governors ($202,000).

In San Francisco alone, 9,425 employees earn total compensation exceeding $200,000 annually. The city disclosed that a sheriff in corrections made $315,000 in overtime. In San Francisco, taxpayers cough up $452,421 annually to pay a salary ($343,000) and benefits ($109,447) to Mayor London Breed — the top paid mayor in the country.

This continues as members of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors are also generous to themselves, but these public servants didn’t earn their steady raises by running a tight ship. According to the state controller’s government compensation website, over a five-year period from 2013 to 2018, the amount that San Francisco paid out in total wages jumped 27.6%, from $2.9 billion for 35,771 employees to $3.7 billion in total wages to 40,951 employees in 2018.

Think about this, government employees who are employed as members of the cities  “poop patrol,” to clean up human waste on the streets of San Francisco by homeless population are paid $184,000 each a year.

New York is no different then California in fiscal mismanagement, as in the Empire State, 290,000 public employee salaries and pensions exceed $100,000, costing the state $38 billion a year.

How many people know of the state of New York Democrat Attorney General Letitia James who issued report in detail how the New York Department of Health underreported Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50%, so far no comment from Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Auditors at found plumbers in New York City making $285,000 per year; police officers at the Port Authority of New York-New Jersey earning $423,467; Long Island school superintendents making up to $547,049; and a 93-year old college professor retired on a $561,754 pension.

Mayor Bill de Blasio has been begging for financial relief, but his wife Chirlane McCray who was in charge of mental health for the city to this day cannot account for how $900 million was spent. The mayor himself wasted millions on New York’s often troubled public housing.

Illinois, the state former President Obama hailed from is another state so in debt that it can only fiancé its bonds at junk bond rates because of its inability to pay them off or because the state is at risk for default.

Even before the coronavirus economic collapse, Illinois Policy, a public policy think tank reported that the state in fiscal year 2019, estimated Illinois’ total unfunded pension liability rose to $137 billion from $131 billion, despite paying more than $10 billion to the funds – the largest annual contribution in state history. Those contributions include both pension benefits and interest payments on debt the state incurred to make past pension payments.

This same think tank reported in 2015, that around 70% of all black and Hispanic children in the Chicago Unified School system are not proficient to grade level in math and English, and this hasn’t changed in the years since.

Even in Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser who consistently cries of systematic racism is now seeking a $3.2 billion bailout for the distressed city, but look deeper at her city. The city of Washington D.C. is a fiscal disaster.  WAMU radio reported that in 2018-2019, 85% of white students passed the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exams in English and 79% of white students passed in math, the report says. The same year, 28% of black students passed the English assessment and 21% of black students passed math exams.

The despicable part is as much as they cry racism; the government of Washington D.C. is well compensated as the mayor has a $220,000 annual salary far exceeding every governor in the country.

In OpenThe found that DC city councilmembers ($141,282) out-earned members of every state legislature – including New York ($130,000). DC city council chairman Philip Mendelson ($210,000) out earned all members of Congress except for Speaker Nancy Pelosi ($223,500).

This includes school crossing guards routinely making $67,324; the abandoned vehicle program manager earning $97,913; a director of alcoholic beverages making $192,000; the city librarian earning $223,863; city psychiatrists billing up to $260,000; and the city administrator making $307,000.

If one just does a cursory audit, they would find that Washington, D.C. schools have a dismal record of educational achievement as black children who comprise 70% of the children attending public schools have a miserable educational system.

Over 70% of black children cannot do English or Math at grade level but look at the salaries of the educational leadership in the city.

Chancellor Lewis Ferebee made $280,000 and out-earned U.S. Education Secretary Betsy Devos ($199,700). Nearly 2,250 educators with the K-12 schools made more than $100,000 last year.

Four education deputies to the chancellor earned $228,363. Eleven chiefs received salaries up to $189,891 – including “chief of talent and culture” ($184,518) and “senior deputy chief of school culture” ($175,023). Another 19 “deputy chief” positions earned up to $155,798.

Compared to the latest available national statistics, the DC schools have more than twice the number of administrators per student. Principals made up to $199,000, and 96 six-figure assistant principals earned up to $141,688.

With all the dismal education achievements across the country for black and Hispanic children why would Joe Biden want to duplicate and continue this practice? Biden in his unity task force document he put out in July would strive to eliminate any school choice which is overwhelming popular among black and Hispanic parents.

Democrats would prevent black and Hispanic families from having their children attend a school of their choice, but it’s interesting to note that this is not the option they set for their children.

For example, Joe Biden’s two sons attended a prestigious catholic high school where the tuition was close to $29,000 a year.

The Democratic Party is adamant against school choice and beholden to the nation’s teacher’s union. That is why President Biden and Democrats have failed to standup to the teacher’s union who refuse to go back into the classroom no matter the science and that the Center for Disease Control have stated the risk from the coronavirus is minimal.

As Democrats lawmakers oppose choice for the American people, they consistently send their own children to private school.

Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal columnist and Manhattan Institute Fellow wrote about the New York School system.  The majority of students returning, the majority of them can’t do basic reading or math, according to state standardized test results released last week. And the numbers get even more depressing when broken down by race and ethnicity. Black and Hispanic students make up 67% of the system, while whites and Asians are about 15% and 16%, respectively. Only 28% of black students passed the math exam, versus 33% of Hispanics, 67% of whites and 74% of Asians. On the English exam, the passage rates were 68% for Asians, 67% for whites, 37% for Hispanics and 35% for blacks.

This is only a small sampling of the failure of Democratic policies on America, but the larger question is why no mention of this in the mainstream media, and why has President Biden nor any other Democrat been asked about this?