By John Ubaldi, “Ubaldi Reports”
As Americans struggle with high gas prices and high utility costs Democrats across the country are falling over themselves in their singular pursuit of their elusive “Green Agenda” no matter the disastrous impact on the country and its impact on U.S. national security.
Throughout the 2020 presidential race, every Democrat campaigned on the greatest threat to the U.S. was climate change; with the election of President Biden who he himself stated that if elected he would end fossil fuel as we know it.
True to his word every policy decision by Biden has been to fulfill that promise!
At the time of Biden’s inauguration, America was energy independent, under the Biden administration because of his anti-fossil fuel policies led to higher energy prices, but instead of reversing course Biden is doubling down on his failed policies.
Biden and the Democrats continue to push there “green agenda” no matter its impact on the national security of the United States.
Energy is the life blood of any modern economy, no matter how much we want to wish it away fossil fuel powers America’s economic growth, with Biden pushing his climate agenda he is acquiescing American security to our adversaries.
The Biden administration and the Democratic Party continue to believe that wind and solar will provide the necessary energy to propel the American economy forward, but one only has to look at California to see this will have the opposite effect.
California just passed legislation that mandates by 2035, you will no longer be able to buy a gas-powered vehicle with only electric vehicles being sold. This new law is being contemplated in other states such as Washington and Massachusetts.
The strange aspect of this new law, is when California if faced with the continued heat wave, then California Independent System Operator, (CISO) which oversees the state’s flow of electricity, has urged Californians to curb its energy usage and that includes not charging there electric vehicles.
President Biden is hell bent in duplicating the “Green Agenda” in California, no matter how this disastrous policy will impact U.S. national security.
California with all its green mandates is struggling to meet current power demands as it simultaneously phases out gas-fired generators in favor of wind and solar facilities. With this embrace of green technology California is facing the added hurdle of providing enough juice for recharging of electric vehicles, this is particularly acute during the night, when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind may not be blowing?
The Biden administration is utilizing all facets of his executive authority and with Democratic control of Congress the fossil fuel industry is under attack from all sides to include financial institutions pressured in not providing capital to the energy sector.
Numerous questions abound, but are not being asked of the Biden administration nor of Democrats are the reliability of a wind- and sun-powered grid and the availability and cost of battery-powered cars also is dependent on having enough batteries to reach their envisioned green energy goal of re-shaping the American economy.
If Biden and the Democrats succeed in re-shaping the American economy in its implementation of green technology, it will require the U.S. to be dependent on lithium and other rare earth minerals from other countries such as authoritative countries such as China. Then factor a fragile global supply chain system and you have recipe for disaster.
Nobody ever brings up the environmental impact of mining of many of these key rare earth minerals that have to be mined in many countries that don’t adhere to western environmental standards.
One of the key rare earth minerals found in electric batteries is cobalt, which is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that employ around 255,000 Congolese, that also employ 40,000 children many as young as six years old. The average wage of these workers is around $2 a day, and having to utilize their own equipment and often that entails using their hands.
The Biden administration and Democrats never mention the expense of electric vehicles which run between $50-60,000, even with government subsidies is far above the price of which most Americans can afford. As Biden and Democrats talk about how their policies help working Americans the subsidies often go to the wealthy who can easily afford electric vehicles. Will these subsidies continue?
Other question have never been addressed, such as who will pay for all the electric charging stations needed to convert to an electric economy? It may work for those who keep their vehicles in their garage, but unfortunately many do not. What about those who live in apartments, even if landlords do provide charging station, many have limited spaces, thus forcing many to park in the street, so how will this be accomplished.
What about businesses across America, they would be forced to provide charging stations for their employees, that also would have to be duplicated across America in anywhere Americans drive their cars and stop at; who pays for all of this?
As the nation begins the electrifying of the economy, demand has gone up, but like in California with all its green mandates, they can’t meet there current energy needs, the situation will only get worse.
As much as Biden and Democrats claim to care about working Americans and especially people of color, these are precisely the people who can least afford Democrats “green agenda policies” and are having a difficult time absorbing the high the energy costs now.
A press release issued by The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) which represents the state directors of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) today released data showing that more than 20 million families, about one out of six American families, are behind on their utility bills. In total, these families owe about $16 billion, up from about $8.1 billion at the end of December 2019. During this period the average amount owed increased from about $403 to $792.
Most utility companies rely on natural gas, and right now the nation is experiencing a shortage of natural gas not because we are running out but because of Democratic policies are curtailing its usage in favor of green energy such as wind and solar.
It’s ironic that a couple in an electric vehicle ran out of power in West Virginia and need help from coal miners to push their car to a coal fired plant for a charge. This situation will be common if Democratic polices are fully enacted across the country.
The national security of the U.S. will be compromised if the Democrats continue with their “Green Agenda” with the only winner being China!
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