indexNo matter what news affiliate you turn to, inadvertently you will read or view something regarding the 2016 presidential election.

Everyone seems to have their favorites, with the Democrats placing strong emphases into the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and Republicans still searching for a candidate to rally behind.

Now, it’s far too early to begin discussing who the next president will be when we still have the mid-term elections in November and the presidential election almost three years off.

Pundits love to speculate who the nominee’s will be, but one unfortunate aspect of this, will political pundits, and the main stream media actually ask tough questions of the perspective candidates!  Will it be replication of previous elections, where the media fawns over their candidate of choice?

Far too often the American public is saddled with candidates who use catchy campaign slogans, which play well in a campaign, but are devoid of any real substance on how and what they would accomplish as president.

Let’s start asking some tough questions of these candidates and let’s have a serious debate; without moderators predisposed in giving their candidate a pass.

The presidential election of 2016 will be a pivotal election, and I know all elections are crucial.  This one will be even more so with an open contest, and no current member Obama Administration running; unless Vice President Biden decides to enter the race.

As of yesterday, Priorities USA Action, a “super PAC” which was crucial in President Obama’s re-election has now formally aligned itself in support of Hillary Clinton. The question is right now does anyone really have an understanding what Hillary Clinton would do as president in tackling the biggest issues facing America today.

This is also the same question I would ask of any of the presumptive Republican nominee’s.  Who are they and what type of experience and ideas will they bring?  Will Republicans be fractured between the main streams of the party and the Tea Party?

I am not looking for the normal rhetoric you would expect in any campaign, but looking for substance!

There are too many crucial issues America has to deal with and right now it’s the economy.  No expects the U.S. economy to grow with any substantial increase, and the question how would candidates for president deal with reviving a stagnate, lackluster economy?

With the nation facing over a $17 trillion federal debt, how would each candidate tackle this looming crisis? What about health care, the long term unemployed?  

Every president deals with issues on the international stage, what will that candidates policy be toward the Middle East, or international terrorism?  What will be there strategic vision for America?

America does not want to hear what the previous administration did, but what will you do!

Finally, can we get the media to ask tough questions of these candidates and not have a coronation for the office of president!
