
Trouble for Hillary Clinton continues as the Chairman of the House Committee on Benghazi is requesting the former Secretary of State turn over her server to a third party for a detailed examination by “neutral party”

Politico reported that Rep. Trey Gowdy wrote to Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, Thursday asking the former secretary of state to make the server available to the State Department’s inspector general “or another neutral, detached, and independent arbiter.”

Politico continued in its reporting House Republicans have sought access to the server since the news earlier this month that Clinton used a private email for official purposes during her time at State and her documents were not stored within the State Department, but instead on a private server off-site.

Clinton regained control over those emails but turned over thousands of pages of documents to the State Department for release — except personal emails that Clinton said during a press conference focus on more mundane matters like yoga, her daughter’s wedding and family vacations.

The controversy is swirling around the thousands of email that Clinton refused to release to the State Department for review, and prompted questions from many quarters she may have withheld official government documents.

This controversy has bi-partisan support on the way Clinton has dealt with this controversy and both Democrats and Republicans want clearer answers on why she had the server set up in the first place.

At the press conference she had the United Nations left more unanswered question and left the impression she is hiding something.

The questions as why she had a server in her home of residence was strictly by convenience sake but long time Clinton adviser James Carville stated she didn’t want congressional oversight committee to go over her communication, even though they have oversight as dictated by the constitution.

This statement alone poses questions for her.

Clinton leaves to many unanswered question, leaving the public to trust her, but questions still need to be answered.