By John Ubaldi, “Ubaldi Reports”
Ever since president-elect, Joe Biden, officially become president, all his focus has been on the coronavirus and the economy, but little or no attention has been paid to foreign policy.
Presidents have always wanted to leave their mark on domestic policy, like Biden’s predecessors before him they were forced by circumstance and events to direct their attention to global affairs.
Since the end of the Cold War, America has had no foreign policy vision on what should be the United States national security strategy in a post-Cold War era.
After the end of the Cold War the United States emerged as the dominate nation in terms of economic, political, and military power without any discernable competitor, unfortunately, this changed with American political over-confidence, and the ongoing conflicts throughout the Middle East.
Today, we have global threats emanating from Russia, Iran, international terrorism, and from China who has stated their strategic goal to supplant the U.S. as the global leader.
Now that Joe Biden has assumed the mantel as president, Biden views Russia as the United States greatest threat, which is perplexing as many national security experts view Moscow as a threat but the greatest challenge in their perspective comes from China.
When Biden, introduced his national security team, not one time did he make any reference to China, nor did the media ask any questions of what his policy toward Beijing would look like and how would it differentiate from President Trump?
Now that Biden has been sworn in as president, but what we don’t know is what will be his foreign policy vision? Throughout the presidential race it has always been, I am not Donald Trump, but how would Biden’s foreign policy be different?
At no time during the 2020 presidential was foreign policy discussed, as the coronavirus, economy and the persona of President Donald Trump taking up all the oxygen, leaving little discussion about global affairs.
During the vice presidential debate when the rare conversation turned to foreign policy, as it related to China, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, commented that Trump’s China strategy has been a disaster, but she was never pressed by the media on what a Biden-Harris administration would do different.
Throughout the presidential race the media has never once questioned, researched, or pressed Biden on his foreign policy credentials since he spent over four decades in Washington, first as a senator then as vice president. While he served as a senator, Biden for twelve years was either the chair or ranking member of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
During this period he was involved in every foreign policy decision engaged by the United States.
How many American’s know that Biden, voted against the Persian Gulf War, and then voted for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? He failed to support the surge of U.S. troops into Iraq that stabilized the country. President Obama appointed him as the point person on Iraq, from which the Obama-Biden administration failed to heed the advice of military commanders against the premature pullout from Iraq which eventually lead the U.S. return to confront and defeat ISIS.
The media never once asked Biden any question’s on his decade’s long support for all trade and other agreements with China. He supported granting China most favored nation’s trade status, that lead to the hollowing out of U.S. manufacturing leading to millions of jobs going overseas.
In its zeal in protecting Biden the media along with the tech companies suppressed a story first reported by the New York Post in October implicating his son Hunter involvement in nefarious business dealings with China. Previously, Biden has stated that he knew nothing about his son’s business involvement when evidence and Hunter’s business partner suggest otherwise.
One of the first official acts that Biden has stated he would institute is by having the U.S. re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement. At no time was Biden asked is how would you get China to comply with the agreement? Per the agreement, China doesn’t have to make any changes to its greenhouse emissions until 2030, that’s if they honor its precepts it has made. They have never had in the past why would this be different?
Since China became a signatory to the Paris Climate Agreement, Beijing has failed to reduce its greenhouse gas emission and consistently submitted false reports to its compliance? So far, no word from Biden how he would accomplish this.
Biden has also stated that on his first day in office he would have the U.S. rejoin international organizations that Trump has pulled out of. The first one is the World Health Organization (WHO). Biden has never been asked are you then going to pay over $400 million to an organization that was parroting China’s talking points with regard to the coronavirus. The head of WHO, President Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, consistently downplayed the coronavirus and continued to follow whatever Beijing dictated, and will Biden now support him the WHO President without any serious reforms of the organization?
How would a Biden administration deal with Beijing, would he continue the tariffs placed on China by the Trump administration? How would Biden prevent China from stealing U.S. intellectual properties? What plan does Biden have to make China comply with past agreements such as agreeing to follow World Trade Organization (WHO) rules, which means ending all subsidies to state owned enterprises, which incidentally are the ones who consistently steal U.S. intellectual properties.
Would a Biden administration reconstitute the Trans-Pacific Partnership in international trade? How would a Biden administration prevent China from militarizing the South China Sea? Considering during the Obama-Biden administration China stated to President Obama that they would stop, they didn’t, and Obama-Biden never pushed back. How would Biden be different this time?
Finally, how would a Biden administration prevent China from supplanting the U.S. in various regions of the world? Beijing doesn’t care about other countries human rights record, whereas America does, how would a Biden administration prevent countries from aligning with China?
Biden will now be the fourth American president to deal with Iraq and Afghanistan, what is his strategy for both countries? Remember Biden supported U.S. intervention in both countries, now he will be calling the shots, how will he be different from Trump? Progressive Democrats want the U.S. immediately out of these conflicts; will Biden withdraw from both Iraq and Afghanistan? If he does what will prevent the reemergence of ISIS in Iraq, Al-Qaeda and other terror organizations in Afghanistan?
Biden has stated on the campaign trail that he would re-join the Iran Nuclear Agreement that was signed in 2015, and the one that Trump pulled out of. If Biden re-joins the agreement, would he end all sanctions on Iran? Iran has stated that there will be no negotiations until sanctions are lifted, does Biden lift the sanctions? What will prevent Iran from using this new revenue to fiancé its proxy terror groups across the Middle East; such as Hezbollah and Hamas?
This is what precisely happened when the nuclear agreement was signed, how would this be different from 2015?
Since Trump was inaugurated in 2017, the Democrats have chastised Trump for being weak on Russia, but facts show a far different picture. The Trump administration has been far tougher on Russia than the Obama-Biden administration ever was. What would Biden do differently?
The final aspect Biden has made is that he will re-build foreign alliances that have frayed under the Trump administration. Which alliance is he speaking about, does he mean Taiwan? If so how will this sit with China, who views Taiwan as part of its territory? How will other Asian allies respond if the U.S. shows weakness in this area?
Biden and Democrats have consistently stated that Trump has been harsh to our closest allies. Would Biden continue the Trump administration’s policy of placing tariffs on our European allies’ products, in response to the tariffs placed on U.S. products? What would Biden do differently?
How would a Biden administration get our European allies to increase expenditures on defense? Germany is the most egregious and vocal nation that refuses to spend on its defense. Ironically Germany still wants the U.S. protection from Russia, but while it wants that defense assurance it has signed lucrative energy deals with a Russian energy company that has ties Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Biden has never been asked why America troops should protect Europe when they won’t protect themselves. Nor has Biden been asked during the Obama-Biden administration called Europe “free riders,” who enjoy the benefits of an international order safeguarded by the United States without contributing much to it? Does Biden still believe this?
Why is Trump wrong and you are right?
These are only a small sampling of foreign policy questions that were never asked, and numerous ones that should be asked.
Now that Biden is officially sworn in as president, he will be making the tough decisions. He has never made an executive decision before now, but now the buck will stop with him!
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